The latest stable version of LibreSudoku was released .
Requires Android 6.0 or higher.
What's new:
- Added blue app theme
- Now you can see when a game was started
- Option to remember the previously selected difficulty and game type
- You can change date format for all dates in app. You can define your own DateTimeFormatter pattern or choose from the list
- Improved game completion screen
- Optimize settings screen
- Change game board grid lines opacity
- Keyboard font size
- Update the look of the pager tabs
- New collapsing top app bar
- Other minor improvements
What's fixed
- Update duration formatting to show hours
- Exclude initial number interaction as a user action (#33)
- Remove the check mark in the sort dialog for items that act as radio buttons
- Fix a potential crash
- Other small fixes
Translation (Hosted Weblate)
- Merged translations
- New languages added: Slovak, Ukrainian, Hindi
Full Changelog:
View the full release here